Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Beginnings

Saving seeds.
Today was my second day at CAC Beardsley Farm, and as completely exhausted as I am I wanted to express how excited I am to be working there. I've been a volunteer there for over a year, and very shortly after I began visiting the urban demonstration farm I became interested in working there full-time.
Today, we watered all the vegetables; harvested tomatoes and okra; cleaned up around the farm; cleared an unused community garden plot; and wound down the day by saving seeds from okra and an over-ripe zucchini. Every day, I plan to learn more about the community, gardening, and my own strengths. I am also glad to be sharing my experiences with you. Thank you for your (implicit and explicit) support.


Katie Ries said...

That is a beautiful photo.

radioactivegan said...

That sounds like a really fun (and tiring) job. I'd like to hear some about how you save the seeds. I'm so glad you have a job you like!

zemmely said...

That is such a good idea! I'm starting to take seed-saving for granted, but I think I'll try to write a post on how to do it. Hope all is well with you!